Cosmetic injections

No flower in this world is as beautiful as you are

She`s Clinic

Square jaw (1 session)

Detailed information

. Botox is injected into overdeveloped jaw muscle.
. As a result, the size of the square reduces.
. The jawline becomes far slimmer because of the jawline reduction.
. You can notice the effect in 2~3 weeks.
. The effect is visible 2-3 weeks after the procedure.
. It is recommended to treatments once in 4-6 months.
Allergan 385,000 won (VAT included)
Xeomin 330,000 won (VAT included)
Botulax 165,000 won (VAT included)
Anesthesia 10 min
Duration 5~10 min
Treatment period N/A

Information about injection

. Only verified and approved products are used.
. Xeomin and Allergan botox are used.
. The effect of each is 6 months and 4~5 months respectively.
. The effect of Botulex by Hugel is 3~4 months.

Post-treatment care

. You are given gum to chew for 1 h on both sides.
. You must avoid eating hard-to-chew food.
. You can wash your face or apply make-up in 3 h after the procedure.
. Drinking alcohol is not allowed on the day of the Botox procedure.
. It is necessary to avoid physical exercises, sauna for about 1 week

* Update : 2024.01.12