Injection lipolysis

No flower in this world is as beautiful as you are

She`s Clinic

Face contouring

Detailed information

. It selectively dissolves the excessive deposits of fat.
. Effective for double chin, front and side cheeks, and jawline.
. Little pain and swelling.
. Advisable to repeat 3~6 sessions at 1~2 week intervals.
. The result can be noticed about 1 week after the procedure.
Cost 132,000 won (VAT included)
Anesthesia 10 min
Duration 5~10 min
Treatment period N/A

Information about injection

. Only verified and approved products are used.
. Safe injectable approved by American FDA.
. It does not contain steroid components.

Post-treatment care

. There is almost no swelling after the procedure.
. You can wash your face or apply make-up 3 hours after the procedure.
. Drinking alcoholic drinks is not allowed on the day of the procedure.
. It is necessary to avoid vigorous exercises, sauna, and hot baths for 1 week after the procedure.

* Update : 2024.01.12