
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


Reconstructive epicanthoplasty

Surgery Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.06.07

In my previous posts, I wrote about epicanthoplasty, how it is performed, and potential side effects after the surgery.

Oftentimes, there might be some cases after the epicanthoplasty surgery when the lacrimal ducts and sac of the eyes become excessively visible and the eyes might look a bit pushed into the corners of the eyes.

In my previous posts, I wrote about epicanthoplasty, how it is performed, and potential side effects after the surgery.

Oftentimes, there might be some cases after the epicanthoplasty surgery when the lacrimal ducts and sac of the eyes become excessively visible and the eyes might look a bit pushed into the corners of the eyes. So in these following cases, reconstructive epicanthoplasty must be conducted.

This is revision epicanthoplasty which corrects the medial canthus of the eyes.

This surgery improves the wild and violent look into a softer and more fresh one. Simply put, revision or reconstructive epicanthoplasty is one of the surgical methods the main purpose of which is to correct the Mongolian fold that is too much exposed.

The doctor gently and easily stitches the surgery site (medial epicanthoplasty). He does not only stitches the surgery area but at the same time, he repositions the inner tissues so that the surgery scars are far less visible.

Before deciding on revision surgery, it is very important to consult with the plastic surgeon because only he can determine whether or not to do the revision surgery.

If the line of the double eyelid is connected to the line of the epicanthic fold, it would be difficult to correct. Since revision surgery involves correcting the operated area, it requires a great deal of meticulousness, close attention, and delicate approach.

Therefore, we recommend that you consult and eventually have the surgery with only a plastic surgeon possessing rich and sufficient clinical experience.
