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Non-surgical unwanted fat removal

Non-surgical Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.06.03



We all know that there are times when diet and exercises are not enough to remove some stubborn deposits of fat on a specific area of our body.



Today’s article will be about how to remove unwanted fatty tissue without any surgical interventions.



Laser lipolysis is an effective alternative to liposuction surgery. What is laser lipolysis in the first place?



It is a type of cosmetic procedure removing fat deposits mainly from the fatty abdomen, thighs, buttocks, hip.





Laser lipolysis involves minimizing the volume of fatty tissue by destroying fat cells through the laser. After the procedure, the skin becomes smoother and tighter.



Also, it is a very low-risk, low-scarring, and very short downtime. This is what makes it a far simpler procedure than traditional liposuction surgery.



The procedure itself takes less than one hour. Mostly, patients might be advised to repeat more than one session for a maximum result.



The doctor injects local anesthesia into the target area and then makes a tiny millimeter incision.





The laser is inserted underneath the skin. Then the doctor gently moves the laser back and forth to break the fat cells.



After the laser lipolysis, you can go back to daily activities immediately. You should take antibiotics for 3 or 5 days.



The result of laser lipolysis maximizes when combined with a proper diet and exercise routine.


