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Dark circle: Post-care after under-eye fat removal

Surgery Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.06.03



If you are concerned about the under-eye dark circles because of the thick fat tissues, you might want to consider an under-eye fat removal procedure to improve dark circles.



Dark circles are the signs of aging, mainly caused when the fat tissue layers become misbalanced.



Dark circles under the eyes are prevalent mainly among the 30s. However, people in their 20s are also likely to have.



The procedure involves removing excess fat tissues under the eye with the help of a laser. The doctor removes the fat from the inner part of the lower eyelashes.



It takes about 30 ~ 40 minutes and does not leave visible scars or marks on the skin.



Also, what is good about this procedure is that downtime is very short with a couple of treatments.



Although this is a simple procedure, there are several post-procedure guidelines that one must adhere to regardless of its simplicity. For two weeks, one must avoid any activities involving bending the upper body.





It is because such activities may worsen the swelling and bruising.



Moreover, it is important to avoid shedding tears. It will increase the eye pressure and result in swelling and bruising as well.



It is not allowed to touch and rub eyes. You can start wearing eye lenses and eye make-up after 2~3 weeks. One should also sleep on an elevated pillow.



Other than that, it is necessary to stop smoking, avoid alcohol, and hot baths or sauna.



The procedure itself is simple with a quick recovery time but requires important after-care rules above to follow.



If one follows all these rules carefully, the surgery result will not keep you wait longer.


