
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


Nose job with fillers?

Surgery Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.08.07



Dermal filler is a simple procedure that helps lift the nose bridge. However, most patients do not feel satisfied with filler injections. Therefore, they want to do rhinoplasty for a higher nose bridge.



Is it okay to do the nose surgery after the filler injection?



The surgeon recommends undergoing nose surgery after dissolving the fillers. But before dissolving the fillers, you must let the doctor know which type of filler you had because not all fillers can be reversible.





Only hyaluronic acid-based fillers can be dissolved with a filler-dissolving injection. You can have the rhinoplasty done in 3~5 days after the fillers are dissolved.



In addition, if you have done non-reversible fillers, the surgeon must scrape non-reversible fillers and then do the nose surgery.





However, in this case, there might be a risk of inflammation because of the implants.



Therefore, it is crucial to know exactly what type of fillers you did and inform the doctor about that in advance during the consultation.


