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How can I go from monolids to double eyelids?

Surgery Ria Posting update : 2021.10.08

Many teenagers with monolids have tried using different kinds of double eyelid tapes and glue to create double eyelids. Certainly, this method can instantly make your eyes look bigger. However, this method has some unfavorable consequences. In particular, it can lead to sagging skin. Therefore, we recommend undergoing Double eyelid surgery instead. It will give you a permanent effect and make your eyes look bigger and more beautiful.

Depending on your eyes, you will be advised to get Double eyelid surgery. When undergoing Double eyelid surgery, there are different surgery methods you can choose from: non-incisional, partly incisional, and incisional methods. The plastic surgeon will evaluate your eyelids and decide on your lid crease depending on your eyelid structure, anatomy, and appearance.

If you want to create double eyelids as well as remove excess fat and skin, you may be advised to get Upper blepharoplasty. In addition, you can get ptosis correction, and combine Double eyelid surgery with other procedures such as Medial Epicanthoplasty and Lateral Canthoplasty.
