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What is the difference between Botox and Fillers?

Non-surgical Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.10.18



Many of you have heard of such aesthetic injections as Botox and Fillers. Despite this, there are people who still confuse these two procedures and are not aware of which one best suits them. Simply put, Botox is used to 鈥淩educe鈥, while fillers are done to 鈥淔ill鈥



First of all, Botox injection reduces muscles or prevents the appearance of wrinkles, to be more precise dynamic wrinkles. Usually, people get Botox on the forehead, corners of eyes (crow鈥檚 feet), lip corners to improve wrinkles and fine lines.





Unlike Botox, Filler injections add volume to the sunken or hollow areas. Also, fillers improve deep static wrinkles.Both filler and Botox injections give temporary effects. It means that you should repeat the procedures after a certain period when they start to lose efficacy.



It is recommended to have Botox injections every 3 to 6 months and Fillers (hyaluronic acid base fillers) once a year.


