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Why Double Eyelid Creases Become Thinner after Surgery

Surgery 아잉 Posting update : 2024.02.20

Some patients who have undergone double eyelid surgery express concerns about their eyelids appearing thinner sometime after the procedure.

But why does this happen, and is a revision surgery necessary to address it?

There are several reasons why double eyelid creases appear thinner following the surgery.

For instance, the skin in the upper eyelid area may lose elasticity over time, or excessive eye rubbing can contribute to this issue, which is actually quite common.

Whether a revision surgery is necessary depends on the underlying cause. If the eyelids are saggy, it is possible to maintain the original double eyelid crease while removing excess skin, thus making the creases appear more visible.

Understanding the specific reason behind the thinning of double eyelid creases is crucial. It is advisable to have a thorough consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon before considering a revision surgery.

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