
News from She’s


[Notice]There is only one She's Plastic Surgery Clinic

아잉 Posting update : 2024.07.13


If you search "She's Plastic Surgery Clinic" on the Internet, you can see many similar names.

Therefore, there are many people who confuse our clinic for other ones, and there are even some people who visited other clinics thinking that it was our clinic. However, She's Plastic Surgery Clinic has nothing to do with other clinics with the similar names.



She's Plastic Surgery is located in Busan, Jung-gu, Gwangbok-ro and is run by the main plastic surgeon Dr. Kim Kyeong Ho.

Moreover, we would like to make it clear that there is no other plastic surgery clinic with this name.




She's Plastic Surgery Clinic is medical institution specialized in anti-aging procedures that has been operating for 23 years in Gwangbok-ro, Jung-gu, Busan. Moreover, it is a leading medical institution in attracting foreign patients not only in Busan but South Korea.





She's Plastic Surgery is one and only plastic surgery clinic, and it has nothing to do with the other clinics with the same name shown when searching "She's" through Internet search engines. Thank you!