
News from She’s


Extra Services for Foreign Clients

아잉 Posting update : 2024.07.13

This post is intended to provide foreign clients with an overview of the extra services being offered at She's Plastic Surgery.

Interpretation Service

Our on-site interpreter will assist you throughout the entire process, from selecting your treatment to addressing any post-treatment inquiries. You will receive prompt and precise consultation. The interpreter also assists with the services mentioned below. You can come alone.

Tailor-made Medical Tourism Packages for Clients from Different Countries.

We have been serving foreign clients for 15 years, gaining valuable insights into the preferences of clients from various countries. Based on our understanding about clients’ preferences, we designed various packages classified into surgical and non-surgical procedures. You can follow the following links for the details.

Tax Free Service

In South Korea, all plastic procedures are subject to value added tax. To attract foreign clients who reside overseas, Korean government decided to apply tax free policy to foreign clients residing overseas. After the procedure, we will provide you with a receipt that can be used for a tax refund at the airport before your departure back to your home country.

Hotel Reservation

We have signed cooperative agreements with hotels located just 10 minutes away from the clinic. When our clients book one of these hotels, they can enjoy more reasonable room rates compared to the prices offered by online booking platforms. You will make payment directly to the hotel. If you need support in making reservation, please don’t hesitate to to ask our interpreters.

In addition, after surgery, we can accompany you to the pharmacy and assist with interpretation. During your treatment period, we offer free shampooing service performed by our skincare specialists.

These services are the result of careful consideration of our clients’ needs over time. They reflect our deep gratitude toward all clients who have placed their trust in us and traveled from afar. We are delighted when our clients are satisfied with our services. At She’s, you will feel as comfortable as if you were in your own home country. Thank you.