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Using jaw muscles after "Square jaw Botox"

Non-surgical Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.02.16

Usually, when patients undergo the “Square jaw Botox” procedure, we recommend them not to use jaw muscles too much and avoid any activities involving the use of jaw muscles. This is one of the important instructions after the procedure.

Why is that? This is because when one uses their jaw muscles too much, it will develop the jaw muscles bigger and as a result, the effect of the Botox cannot be fully achieved.

Therefore, after square jaw botox, it is advisable to avoid repeating those instructions above and eating very tough types of food.

The more you use jaw muscles, the bigger they get. This applies not only to the jaw muscles, but this is true for types of muscles in our body.

If you do not correct the habits of frequent use of muscles and follow the post-procedure guidelines, it would be hard to see the results.

Thus, we highly recommend that you correct the habits of opening mouth wide.

In addition, the result of the procedure does not appear immediately after the procedure. It will take 1~2 weeks to achieve the result and after 3 weeks there will be a significant before-after difference of Square Jaw Botox.
