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Chanel & Hyaluronic injection. How are they different?

Non-surgical Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.02.09

During the consultation, we frequently receive the question of how Chanel and hyaluronic acid injection are different and which one to choose.

Two of these procedures are different. In this article, I am going to explain their difference.

First of all, if you have more of a dry and cracked type of skin, then we recommend you to have a Hyaluronic acid injection.

This injection contains a high concentration of hyaluronic acid, which is directly injected into the epidermis with a depth of 1mm.

It does not only moisturizer the skin, but it also brightens and softens the skin texture.

It is a highly recommended treatment for people with dry skin.

Secondly, the Chanel injection is a more cocktail injection that has 53 nutritious ingredients for healthy skin. It moisturizes the skin, but above all, it smoothes out fine lines and stimulates collagen production. Besides, it improves skin tone and whitens it.

The main functions of it are cell activation and regeneration and delay the aging process.

To summarize, hyaluronic acid injections moisturizes the skin, while the Chanel injection provides the skin with useful nutrients.

Thus, it is advisable to choose one between the two treatment according to your skin type and condition.
