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Asian Double eyelid surgery: Incisional method

Surgery Ria Posting update : 2021.01.18

If you don’t have a natural crease in your upper eyelids or your crease is too low, there is an option for you to get Double eyelid surgery. The double eyelid surgery improves the overall appearance of the eyelids by creating well-defined folds and making eyes look bigger.

During the consultation, you will discuss the operation method in detail. Particularly, the form, the height of the crease, as well as type of the fold. Double eyelid surgery (incisional technique) is suitable for those who wish to make a crease and remove the extra layer of fat at the same time. The doctor will make an incision on the upper eyelids and remove excessive fat. Then you will be applied the stitches on the muscle to create a defined crease. At the end of the operation, the wound is closed with sutures.

Sutures are usually removed 5 days after the operation. There may still be minor swellings for 1 month after the operation. The folds will begin to thin and you will get natural eyelid shape 6 months after the operation. You shouldn't worry about scars, because they will be almost invisible and hidden in the area of your crease.

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