
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


Frontal cheeks laser liposuction

Surgery Ria Posting update : 2021.01.27

The midface and facial areas are the regions that usually undergo facial aging. The extra fat and fat displacement are very common in being the cause of sagging cheeks.

The stubborn fat makes cheeks appear heavier than they are. If you wish to get rid of drooping fat in your frontal cheeks, you can get laser liposuction treatment.

At She’s Plastic Surgery, our doctors excel in laser liposuction treatments using advanced techniques. Laser liposuction will remove localized facial fat in your cheeks area and effectively tighten your skin.

During the operation, the doctor will make tiny incisions in your cheeks, that will be almost invisible and scarless after the procedure. The excessive fat tissue will be dissolved and removed with a cannula.

After the operation, your cheek areas will be redefined and look slimmer. Our laser liposuction treatment will certainly help you achieve your desired look.

Since the operation is performed under local anesthesia, you can go home right after the treatment. Your doctor will prescribe you the necessary antibiotics and analgesics. The stitches are removed 3 days after the treatment.

There may be slight swelling for 1-2 weeks. 1 month after the operation, you will see the result and get the natural look.
