
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


Silicone - widely used nasal implant

Surgery Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.01.26

There are various methods to raise a nose bridge. For example, it is possible to lift the nose bridge with the help of simple non-surgical such as dermal fillers and fat grafting.

However, one can also achieve a higher nose bridge through the rhinoplasty with the placement of nasal implants.

There are many types of nasal implants, but the most widely used and preferred one is Silicone nasal implants.

Silicone is one of the safest implants to perform rhinoplasty to raise the bridge of the nose.

The advantage of silicone is that it does not cause any change in the nose when it is placed into the nose.

Silicone can be designed in a way so that it matches well with the face when inserted. Unlike other nasal implants, the surgery is simple, and time is short.

Besides, the nasal implant removal is easy when there is a need for revision rhinoplasty.

She’s Plastic Surgery Clinic uses silicone nasal implants verified and approved by the American Food and Drug Administration.

Nose bridge lift surgery takes over 1 hour and is conducted under local anesthesia with IV sedation. The treatment period is 7 days. You should visit the clinic every other day.

The stitches are removed on the last day of treatment. There might be potential swelling after the surgery. As time passes, it subsides and goes away.

However, on average, it takes two weeks for a full recovery.
