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The reason you should avoid nose tip fillers.

Non-surgical Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.02.15

Dermal fillers to the nose are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures these days.

The reason for that dermal fillers does not require any recovery or treatment period. Everyone knows that the nose is one of the most noticeable parts of our face.

When customers inquire about dermal fillers to the nose bridge, they also ask if it is possible to have dermal fillers to the tip of the nose.

However, dermal fillers to the nose tip can bring about some side effects, so we do not recommend that procedure. Why is that?

If we look at the cases of side effects of dermal fillers, nose tip filler procedures constitute the majority of them.

There are arteries connected on the tip of the nose. When a dermal filler is injected wrong on the tip of the nose, dermal filler can block a blood vessel, and disturb normal blood circulation.

The obstruction of the blood circulation leads to the necrosis of the skin. And the skin color changes because of the inflammation caused by necrosis. Inflammation is accompanied by swelling which lasts 1~2 days.

All cosmetic procedures involve risks and side effects to some extent. It is important to have a procedure only with a verified and approved by the FDA to reduce the likelihood of side effects of fillers when applied to the nose.

Most importantly, before deciding on having a cosmetic procedure regardless of the level of the difficulty, we would like you to ensure that the doctor has sufficient clinical experience in performing plastic and cosmetic procedures.
