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Get a win-win solution: Youthful look and slim figure

Surgery Ria Posting update : 2021.01.27

One of the effects of aging is the loss of facial fat and muscle volume. Fat grafting is a unique procedure that can fully restore the youthful volume on your face. This procedure is utilized with your own fat which serves as a natural filler.

Fat grafting can be a win-win solution because it not only will provide volume to your face, but also help you to effectively slim your figure at the same time.

Fat grafting is a minimally invasive procedure that will help you to get back your youthful plumpness. During the procedure, the excessive fat is taken out either from your hips or abdomen.

The extracted fat cells are processed through the purification and separation procedure, mixed with PRP (Platelet-rich plasma), and transplanted to the facial areas which lack volume and need to be reshaped.

The common areas for fat grafting are frontal and side cheeks, forehead, nasolabial folds, and hollow areas under the eyes. This procedure eliminates all concerns regarding allergic reactions and safety.

There will be virtually no scarring after the procedure. To increase the success rate for the uniform result of the operation, it is better to get 2-3 sessions spaced out 3-6 months apart.
