
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


Blepharoplasty. What type of surgery is it?

Surgery Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.01.26

The medical term "blepharoplasty" is a kind of surgery that corrects the saggy or droopy eyelids by removing excess skin, fat tissues, and parts of muscles.

The word "blepharoplasty" itself comes from the Green language "blepharon" signifying "an eyelid" and "plasty" - to form, create or act. In a simple language, it is an eyelid-forming procedure.

In today's article, we will be discussing important things about blepharoplasty.

Let us find out why blepharoplasty is done in the first place. The main reason people undergo an eyelid surgery is to repair saggy or droopy eyelids as well as bags under the eyes.

It will correct a person's appearance and helps look younger. As we age, our muscles in the eyelids weaken. It is one of the most common causes for droopy eyelids.

Since eyelids muscles lose their elasticity, the person's vision (peripheral vision, also known as side vision) might also get blurred because of this.

Therefore, you might want to opt for blepharoplasty if you have bags under the eyes, excess skin in the upper and lower eyelids.

Once you decide that you are a suitable candidate for blepharoplasty, the first important step is to prepare, that is to find the right board-certified plastic surgeon and have a consultation with him.

I would like to emphasize the importance of choosing the right surgeon with sufficient experience.

Before the surgery, it is necessary to inform the doctor about your medical history and a list of the medications.

And you will be given instructions to stop taking aspirin or other blood thinning medications. (anti-coagulation).

The surgery is usually done at an outpatient visit. First, you will be taken a before - picture so that the doctor can compare the results after the surgery.

After this, the plastic surgeon is going to make some design on your eyelids with a marker to mark the target areas.

Then, you will be injected a numbing medication (local anesthesia) with the IV sedation (intravenous sedation).

It will make you relax so that you will not feel any discomfort or pain during the surgery.

When it comes to the surgical process and method itself, the surgeon makes small incisions, removes the excess fat or skin, and sutures the incised area.

In the case of lower blepharoplasty, an incision is made right below the eyelashes, or depending on the condition of eyelids, the doctor can make an incision inside the lower eyelid.

Likewise, In the lower blepharoplasty, excess fat, muscle, or fat can be removed or repositioned along the eyelid.

Finally, a plastic surgeon finishes the surgery by placing sutures on the incision. More information regarding the post-blepharoplasty care and treatment is going to be uploaded in my next articles.
