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How to treat orange peel chin?

Non-surgical Ria Posting update : 2021.02.02

Wrinkles on the chin area tend to intensify as the skin begins to sag. Moreover, wrinkles result from the constant movement of active chin muscles. The skin gets more wrinkly and the orange peel chin forms. The chin wrinkles can distract people from your smile and make you look much older than you are.

The wrinkled chin can be treated with Botox injection. It is a pain-free procedure that is directly injected into a few places at the base of the chin area. Botox helps to improve the activity of the muscles and reduce skin creasing. It will also prevent deep lines form on your chin. The area becomes smooth and the skin texture dramatically improves.

The effect lasts for 2-6 months depending on the injection. You can repeat the treatment 4 or 6 months later with the same or different brand of Botox injection.

At SHE’S Plastic Surgery, we have a wide range of certified Botox products: Allergan, Xeomin, and Botulex.
