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Can I have laser treatment in the summer?
Laser| Editor Nick| Posting update : 2021.06.03
Many of you may have already heard about laser toning treatment. This laser is to correct and improve freckles and blemishes. However, customers ask one question over and over again. It says: “Is it allowed to have laser toning in summer?”
The reason why they continue asking these questions is because of strong ultraviolet rays (UV) light. People are concerned that sunlight can cause more harm than good by worsening pigmentation.
Here is the thing. UV rays are present not only in summer but also during the four seasons. Therefore, regardless of when you have your laser toning treatment, protection against UV rays is required.
Eventually, whether you have laser treatment in summer or during other seasons, you should always protect the skin from UV by applying SPF regularly.
In conclusion, what matters most is not the season when you have a laser toning, but how often and how much effort you put in to protect your skin from UV during all four seasons.