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What you should know after double eyelid surgery

Surgery Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.06.03



The result of the surgery highly depends on post-operative care, especially after eyelid surgeries.



It is not allowed to rub, touch or press the surgery site until major swelling goes down. You can put on eye make-up or wear lenses in 2~3 weeks after the stitches are taken. You must wait until your eyes return to their natural look.





Any types of eyesight correction surgeries can be conducted after 5~6 months. When done earlier, it can disturb the healing process of double eyelids.



In addition, it is necessary to avoid a hot bath, sauna, and strenuous physical exercises for one month.



Depending on how eyelids heal, you can start applying an ointment that reduces post-operative scarring.


