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Can Fat grafting make you look younger?

Surgery Ria Posting update : 2021.05.18

As we age the face loses its volume. Not only skin starts to sag, but the fat starts to disappear. How can you fill out the lost fat? Fat grafting is a great option. It adds volume to certain facial areas that lack fat tissue. Specifically, the patient's fat is transferred to the treatment area which creates a natural and long-lasting result.

You may be wondering where the fat is taken out. The fat tissue is taken from either the thigh or abdomen area. Then the extracted fat is filtered and purified in a special centrifuge, mixed with the patient’s PRP (Platelet-rich plasma), and transferred into the facial area that needs volume enhancement. A small amount of fat is injected with small cannulas at a time into the face. These cannulas are safe and don’t cause less trauma to the surrounding tissues. The PRP has stem cells and growth factors that improve the skin quality and improves skin quality and texture as well as facilitates the restoration process.

Fat grafting can add some volume to the face as well as smooth out fine and deep wrinkles. The fat serves as a natural filler. So there is no risk of allergic reactions or other side effects. Typically, patients are recommended 2-3 fat grafting sessions to ensure the best results.
