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Does the nose implant need to be removed or replaced?
Surgery| Editor Nick| Posting update : 2021.06.07
Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that lifts the nose bridge and the tip of the nose. Usually, silicone implants are widely used in rhinoplasty.
Compared to other types of implants, silicone implants have more advantages.
One of the frequently asked questions that we receive from our customers is regarding silicone implants.
They are curious about whether silicone implants last forever. They are also interested in there is a need to change the silicone implant every ten years.
The answer is that there is no need to replace the silicone. Also, nose implants are replaced only when the implant causes any inflammation or infection.
Examples are capsular contracture, protruding prosthesis, skin hardness, etc. Only in these cases, do silicone implants need removing or replacing.