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Do eyelids droop again after upper eyelid surgery?
Surgery| Editor Nick| Posting update : 2021.08.26
Upper blepharoplasty, also called upper eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that improves the eye droopiness caused by the aging process.
Therefore, many patients want to improve saggy eyelids with upper eyelid surgery.
Often, we receive such questions as: “Don’t the eyelids sag again with the time after the surgery? “ “ Is the result permanent?” “Is there a need for a revision surgery, and when?”
Eyelids can sag even after the surgery. The reason is that the aging process will still be on, and there is nothing that can completely stop this process. The result of the surgery is long-lasting, but it is not permanent.
Depending on the degree of the skin sagging, the doctor might recommend having revision surgery.
It is also important to have a pre-surgery consultation with a board-certified plastic surgery specialist and explain to him your expectation from the given surgery.