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Laser liposuction, should I undergo a second surgery?

Surgery Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.09.07



Laser liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that helps remove fat from the cheeks and double chin. However, many people wonder if there is a need to repeat the procedure after the first procedure.



Laser liposuction involves applying a laser onto the surgery site and melting the fat. The face looks smaller, and the skin elasticity improves after the procedure. Once the fat is dissolved, there might be some degree of swelling, which comes down shortly.





But if there is too much fat, additional second surgery might be needed in 6 months after the first one. The reason is that the skin might sag when much fat is removed.



However, this does not mean that everyone will need to repeat the second surgery. Therefore, we highly recommend that you consult only with board-certified plastic surgery before the surgery.

