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Microneedling for acne scars

Laser Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.09.14



One of the most challenging things about acne is acne scarring. The reason is that removing post-acne scarring takes more time than treating acne itself.



If the over-the-counter products did not work, then micro-needling can be an alternative to treat post-acne scars.



First of all, what is micro-needling? Micro-needling is a procedure that uses tiny needles that prick the skin and treat acne scarring.



Micro-needling generates collagen in the skin and accelerates the healing process.





The micro-needling process itself usually takes from 10 to 15 minutes. After the patient is applied a soothing mask to soothe the skin's redness.



Also, the patient cannot wash the face right after the procedure. Washing is possible only after 12 hours.



Patients must also remember that it is necessary to apply sunscreen after the micro-needling and other laser treatments.
