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How to improve saggy upper eyelids?

Surgery Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.10.26



The first signs of aging can be seen from sagging upper eyelids. Therefore, many clients wonder if there is an effective way to improve upper eyelids without creating double eyelids.



In this case, the surgeon recommends upper eyelid surgery, also known as upper blepharoplasty.



In this surgery, the doctor removes excess skin and fat from the upper eyelids without creating double eyelids, maintaining existing double eyelids.





The surgery lasts for about 40 minutes, and the stitches are removed on the 5th day after the surgery. A patient is given local anesthesia with IV sedation.



The doctor prescribes painkillers and antibiotics that you should take for three days. Swelling naturally goes down as time passes.



You can apply make-up, put the lens and work out in 2~3 weeks after the surgery. Placing too much pressure, rubbing, or pressing the upper eyelids are not recommended.


