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Can you do Laser liposuction on jowls?

Surgery Ria Posting update : 2021.12.03

Many patients are genetically predisposed to stubborn fat in jowls. Moreover, the aging process can also serve as a reason for the excess fat. Though it is impossible to reverse the time, you can improve your appearance with Laser liposuction on jowls.

Laser liposuction can effectively remove excess fat that is very difficult to get rid of with exercise and diet. To remove fat a small incision is made on the treatment area. Then the localized fat cells are liquified with laser energy. The dissolved fat is suctioned from the area. This is a minimally invasive treatment that is a good alternative to liposuction surgery.

Although you may have slight bruising and swelling, it usually goes away within 1-2 weeks. You need to avoid strenuous physical exercises for 3 weeks after the surgery.
