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How long does Botox in forehead last?

Surgery Ria Posting update : 2021.12.07

Nowadays, antiaging injections are getting more and more popular. One of the sought-after antiaging treatments for the forehead is Botox injection. Since we utilize muscles in the forehead every day, there is no surprise that wrinkles appear in this area. Botox is an effective and popular solution for lines and wrinkles. However, many patients ask how long does the effect of Botox last?

Botox is an effective treatment for fine and deep lines on the forehead. You can see the effect from Botox in the forehead within 1 week after the treatment as you feel that your muscles get relaxed and skin gets smooth. Botox usually lasts for 3 to 6 months. This depends on the product.

It is important to choose the Botox injection wisely. Among many products on the market, Allergan Botox, Xeomin, and Botulax Botox are considered to be the most high-quality injections. You can get your maintenance treatments when you see that wrinkles reappear and regain movement.
