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Hollywood peel for glowing skin

Laser Ria Posting update : 2021.12.11

Hollywood peel is a well-known laser treatment that got its name due to its popularity among celebrities. Nowadays, Hollywood peel is a must-have treatment for everyone and perfect for an important upcoming event. What exactly is Hollywood Peel?

Hollywood Peel (also known as Spectra peel) is a gentle laser peel treatment to improve skin texture, tighten pores, acne, post-acne, and scars. Due to the laser wavelength and energy pulses, it causes a mild skin exfoliation and makes the skin texture smooth and clean by opening pores and removing excess sebum.

This is a safe treatment suitable for all skin types. It is especially advised for active acne and post-acne. Rather than getting a stand-alone treatment, Hollywood peel works perfectly when 3-5 sessions are performed within a 3-week interval.
