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Can laser toning completely remove pigment spots?

Laser Luna Posting update : 2022.05.11

Laser toning is effective in removing pigmentation and blemishes from the skin.

We recommend continuous treatments with regular intervals for Laser toning treatment. However, many people wonder whether freckles can be completely removed after all the treatments. Will all blemishes on my skin disappear after Laser toning?

It's not like that. Laser toning is a procedure that safely and gradually removes freckles from the skin.

For a stable effect, it is recommended to receive the treatment at an appropriate intensity and at regular intervals. In general, we recommend to get 10 or more sessions at 1 week intervals.

Some people have almost all the freckles and pigmentation spots gone after 10 treatments, However, there are some people who still have light freckles and spots left. Additional treatments may be required depending on individual skin conditions.

In order to maintain clean skin after all the required Laser toning procedures, it is recommended to undergo the treatment once a month after 10 consecutive treatments.

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