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What instructions should I follow after Fat grafting?
Surgery| Luna| Posting update : 2022.06.13
Facial fat grafting is effective in naturally filling the facial volume. Post-operative care is as important as surgery itself, and precautions must be followed to ensure successful result.
What are the important instructions you should follow after Fat grafting?
2-3 weeks after Fat grafting, you need to lie on your back in an upright position and get a good sleep. The reason you should sleep on your back is that it ensure that the fat is grafted evenly. Sleeping on a slightly elevated pillow will also help you to recover quickly after surgery.
You can apply a light makeup after Fat grafting. After surgery, a waterproof Duoderm plaster should be applied to the treatment area since it protects skin from water and makeup. Therefore, you can wear a light makeup.
However, be careful not to rub your face while wearing makeup. Please refrain from getting meridian massage for 1 to 2 months.
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