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Is there a fixed amount of Botox that can be injected?

Non-surgical Ria Posting update : 2022.06.21

Botox is effective in reducing square jaw muscles as well as improving fine lines. Since it is a relatively simple injective procedure, some customers ask about the possibility of getting Botox injected in many areas a day.

However, is there a fixed amount of Botox that can be administered per day? Can I get the injection in various parts at once?

If more than 500 units of Botox is injected at a time, there is a possibility of side effects. However, in reality, 500 units is a very large amount, so it is very rarely injected. Even if you receive Botox treatment in various areas a day, there will be no harm to your health.

Therefore we assure you that you don't need to worry about getting a Botox injection.

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