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Is Scar Gel Necessary After Lower Blepharoplasty?

Surgery 아잉 Posting update : 2024.02.03

Lower blepharoplasty, or lower eyelid surgery, involves creating an incision beneath the eyelashes to address sagging skin and fat below the eyes.

Given the incisions involved, a scar ointment or gel will be prescribed. But when should you start using it, and for how long?

Ideally, begin applying Contractubex scar gel 2-3 weeks after stitch removal. Applying it sooner may cause a tingling sensation at the surgical site.

The recommended duration for applying scar ointment is 3 to 6 months, with scars typically fading after 6 months.

Additionally, Steri strips should be applied to the incision ends for 3 weeks post-surgery. Continuing their use for at least 3 months, including during sleep, is advisable.

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