
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


The reason we avoid General Anesthesia

Surgery 김선희 Posting update : 2024.04.25



Anesthesia is administered during plastic surgery. However, some customers who are afraid of surgery often inquire whether it is possible to undergo the procedure under complete sedation.



Most plastic surgeries are carried out under sleep sedation and local anesthesia: WHY?






The first reason is that there are moments during surgery where the customer needs to open or close their eyes for design purposes. For example, in double eyelid surgery, the eyes need to be opened to confirm the line. Similarly, during Rhinoplasty, the eyes may be briefly opened towards the end of the surgery to confirm the design of the nose by the customers.



The second reason is safety. Excessive anesthesia can put a strain on the body. Safety indeed is the priority in any kind of surgery, and the plastic surgery would not be the exception.






The outcome of the surgery in terms of appearance is important for sure: however, for safety and good surgical outcomes, it is recommended to go through sleep anesthesia in plastic surgery.



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   Editor_sunny 김선희