
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


Understanding Scarring in Facelift Surgery

Surgery 아잉 2024.05.14

A facelift is an effective solution for addressing deep facial wrinkles that result from the natural aging process.

Many individuals express concern about scarring, as the procedure involves creating a long incision in the hairline, starting at the temples and ending behind the ears.

So, is it likely to have visible surgical scars after a facelift?

Following a facelift, you may notice some redness at the incision sites for a while. However, within approximately six months, they typically fade to a nearly imperceptible white color.

Given that the incisions can be concealed by your hair, there's generally no need to worry excessively about noticeable surgical scars. Nevertheless, it's crucial to diligently follow post-operative instructions and consistently apply scar cream for a satisfactory outcome.

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