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Returning to Labor Work after Surgery

Surgery 아잉 Posting update : 2024.04.18

Many of our patients who work in manual labor have inquired about when they can safely return to work following eye wrinkle surgery or a facelift.

If your job involves significant physical activity, it's essential to take special precautions after stitches are removed, typically within 1-2 weeks after stitches removal. During this time, be mindful of potential infection or reopening of the incision due to sweating.

Additionally, it's advisable to refrain from lifting heavy objects for a period following surgery to ensure proper healing and minimize strain on the treated areas.

Before returning to labor work, it's crucial to consult with your surgeon to determine the appropriate timing based on your individual recovery progress and the specific demands of your job.

#Shesplasticsurgery #Busanplasticsurgery #Nampodongplasticsurgery #facewrinkles

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