Editor's Essay

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Customer Review : INFINI



Recently I have received a very grateful review from one of our beloved customers. She had a concern on her pores and wanted them to be tightened; then was recommended INFINI as a treatment.



INFINI, the micro-needling treatment for pore tightening, is also effective for reducing acne scars and making the rough skin smoother. It lifts the skin to certain extend, therefore it works for the fine lines as well.






The customer happily left with satisfaction; two weeks later I received a very sweet message from her regarding the result that proved her skin became healthier. She told me that she went through the Skin Analyzer, and found out that her skin had almost no pores(wow!), strong skin barrier(lovely!!), and only little wrinkles under the eyes(perfect!!!). She even showed me the written results and appreciated a lot for her experience at She's Plastic Surgery.






I was very happy to hear this news; her review made me more confident when recommending INFINI to other customers! As she told me also, there are customers who are not so familiar with INFINI, and I hope her review can be one of the references for making decisions! Moreover, I would like to send a sincere appreciation to the customer who sent me the review, and I truly look forward to welcoming her again soon!



So..... Tell me, when is YOUR preferred date to have an appointment? :-)



   Editor_sunny 김선희

* Posting update : 2024.04.25