Editor's Essay
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Winning Ms. Tomo's heart via long online consultation
This is Editor Sachiko, and I am in charge of taking appointments from Japanese customers at She's Plastic Surgery. Hereby I would like to share my experience with Ms. Tomo(a pseudonym).
Ms. Tomo was preparing for eyelid and facial wrinkle surgery. She compared our clinic with others in Seoul for a long time. While Japanese people are generally meticulous, she was especially cautious.
Over the course of several days of online consultations, I was able to naturally convey the philosophy of our clinic to Ms. Tomo. The was made possible thanks to the long consultation time.
It might seem difficult to have a long conversation on a single topic for several days with one person, right? But actually, it is an important time to introduce our clinic well. It is also a time where the capabilities of the consultant truly shine.
Once she arrived and the surgery began, everything went smoothly. She was very satisfied with the results of the surgery by the doctor, and she especially appreciated the prompt feedback after the surgery.
And there was a key moment that made Ms. Toyo really like us. After the surgery, she had the stitches removed in Japan, and the doctor who removed them was Ms. Tomo's son.
Her son praised the results, saying there was almost no swelling after the surgery, and the sutures were so clean that it looked like it was not done by a human. This experience made Ms. Tomo trust us even more, and she sent us her heartfelt message in written form.
The moments like this bring me endless happiness. I really feel that I am enjoying what I am doing. Huge appreciation to Ms. Tomo for making my job so meaningful.
#Shesplasticsurgery #Medicaltourism #Facelift #Eyelidwrinkles #Facialwrinkles

* Posting update : 2025.02.12