
News from She’s


Sharing surgery

Editor Nick Posting update : 2024.07.13


We are looking for candidates for the Sharing surgery surgery.



We are offering a sharing surgery for those who have difficulties with a clear vision due to the sagging eyelids.



Those who meet the following 3 requirements can contact us for sharing surgery.



. Those who have vision obstruction caused by the sagging eyelids.

. Adults in the age of 65 years.

. Recipients of basic living, lower income family, those receiving reduction benefits from National Health Insurance.






. Upper eyelid surgery will be offered for free.

. Upper eyelid surgery removes the sagging skin from upper eyelids and improves the vision.

. Whether you are the best candidate for this surgery can be determined through the consultation.

. It is necessary to submit the examination from the department of internal medicine.



We look forward to your active participation and believe that owing to you we will be able to continue offering this sharing surgery program. Thank you.