
News from She’s


What we achieved in 2019

Editor Nick Posting update : 2024.07.13



It has been 12 years since we started attracting international customers. 2019 was a great leap for us. The reason is that more than 2,393 international customers visited our clinic and did over 4,028 cosmetic procedures. It was a year of big growth for us.



International customers came from different parts of the world, including Japan, the Russian Federation, China, Taiwan as well as English-speaking countries. This is one of the main features of She's Plastic Surgery Clinic.





With greater hope, we are attracting international customers in 2020.

We believe that 2020 year will turn out to be even better than the previous year. However, we are not willing to cling to the speed of the growth. We will do our utmost to provide even better services so that customers will develop trust and visit our clinic.



We would like to to express our sincere appreciation for all customers who visited us in 2019 as well customers who never stop trusting and visiting us. Thank you.