Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery
Say no to skin concerns
Laser| Ria| Posting update : 2021.08.11
You may have wondered whether there is a laser treatment that can treat multiple dermatological concerns. Specifically, you may have searched for a laser that can improve skin tone, tighten pores, remove acne scars and make skin lighter. There is a multipurpose laser that delivers results that have previously required getting 2 or 3 laser systems. This is a Spectra Peel laser. It is a safe laser treatment that can instantly refresh your skin without downtime. Although you will notice immediate improvements after a single treatment, the best results will be achieved with a series of sessions.
Spectra Peel is administered with the application of a special spectra lotion that is carbon-based. The lotion allows the laser to heat the dermal later and effectively peel the dead skin. You will hear a snapping sound and feel a slight warming and prickling feeling that will disappear as soon as the treatment is over. As a part of the treatment process, the heat stimulated the collagen and elastin production leading to improved skin texture, scar, and acne scar reduction.
You don’t need downtime and have appointments for big events right after the treatment. At SHE’S Plastic Surgery Clinic, this procedure got a high degree of our patients’ satisfaction. For the best results, you need to get 3-5 treatments with an interval of 3 weeks.