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Do lip fillers help asymmetrical lips?

Non-surgical Ria Posting update : 2021.12.03

For some people, lip asymmetry is very visible. This can be caused by many factors including genetics and aging. The unevenness in the top and bottom parts of the lips can be corrected with Dermal Fillers. Fillers are an excellent choice to change the shape and add a needed volume to the lips.

Lip filler treatment takes around 20-30 minutes including the application of numbing cream. We recommend injecting HA-based Fillers. They are fully reversible and cause less bruising compared to other types of fillers. You can see the results immediately after the treatment. Typically, the effect lasts around 6 months.

Though for 1-2 weeks the fullers may look a little uneven, this may be due to swelling. It takes time for the Filler to settle and the swelling subsides.
