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What is mid-facelift?

Surgery Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.12.23



Many clients ask the question about the difference between mid-facelift and traditional facelift. For some people, these two terms may mean the same things.



However, there is a difference between these two procedures. In today’s post, I will cover the topic of what mid-facelift is. The mid-facelift is a type of cosmetic surgery that lifts and tightens the upper mouth, the middle area of the face. This surgery makes the person look much younger and the under-eye area less saggy and sunken,





During the procedure, the doctor makes incisions around the hairline, excises the excess skin, and tightens the skin and underlying muscles.



As a result, wrinkles and saggy areas of the skin will be improved to a greater extent.



For more information about mid-facelift


