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What precautions should I follow after Fraxel?

Non-surgical Ria Posting update : 2022.04.12

If you underwent Fraxel treatment, you might have wondered about the aftercare instructions you need to follow. The laser penetrates the skin and has a resurfacing effect that improves skin texture. However, the skin needs time to regenerate. Therefore, you need to follow the instructions to improve the effectiveness of the treatment and speed up the healing process.

You shouldn’t wash your face right after the treatment. You can wash your face and wear makeup 12 hours after the treatment. You need to protect your skin from UV rays to block the direct sun exposure on your skin several times a day. Moreover, it is recommended to wear sunglasses if you go outside. You may feel a slight dryness of your skin after the treatment. Therefore it is advised to apply cream moisturizer during the day. Make sure you avoid using scrubs and peeling gels for 2-3 weeks after the treatment because you need to give your skin time to heal and repair itself.

We recommend using Rejuran healing Pomata (Salmon DNA-based cream) and Cream Purete (rejuvenating cream) after laser treatments such as Fraxel and Infini to improve the restoration process of your skin.

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