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Fat grafting in nasolabial folds

Surgery Ria Posting update : 2022.04.12

Facial grafting is a procedure where fatty tissue is transferred from your body into the facial area that needs correction. One of the most common areas that needs volume with fat grafting is smile lines or nasolabial folds. Fat grafting serves as a natural filler that improves nasolabial folds.

At SHE’S Plastic Surgery, fat grafting is performed simultaneously with PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) that significantly improves the effect of the procedure. Not only PRP accelerates the rejuvenation process, but it also improves fat survival. However, if your get only 1 session, only 50-60% of the fat tissue is retained. Therefore, it is advised to get 2 or 3 sessions to achieve the best results.

Though you may have slight swelling and bruising after the operation, it will go off within 3 to 4 weeks. You should avoid strenuous activities for 3-4 weeks after the stitches are removed.

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