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How fast will the swelling go off after Blepharoplasty?

Surgery Ann Posting update : 2022.04.12

1 or 2 weeks after the Double eyelid surgery, many of our clients contact us since they are concerned about post-surgery swelling.

How long will the swelling go after surgery? How long will it take for the eyelids to look natural?

Bruising and swelling after Blepharoplasty last differently depending on individual characteristics of patients.

Usually, the big swelling stays for 2-3 weeks, and the small swelling lasts up to 3-6 months.

Depending on your individual constitution, the swelling process may last longer.

Applying ice pack for 3 days after Double eyelid surgery and warm pack for 1 week after the surgery will significantly reduce swelling.

It is also recommended to eat foods that help reduce inflammation and go for a walk often.

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