
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


Concerned about facelift scarring

Surgery mane Posting update : 2022.04.09



A facelift is an effective procedure to improve facial wrinkles. It is a type of procedure that involves more incisions in comparison with other procedures.



It means that it may leave scarring Therefore, it becomes a matter of concern for most people. Today, we will talk about scarring after the facelift.





A facelift incision is made on the upper ears till the backside of the ears. For the first time after the surgery, the scarring will be red.



However, it starts turning white 6 months after the surgery. It will not be noticeable at all.





One can apply scarring ointment after the stitch removal. Above all, following post-surgery instructions is vital during the recovery process.



If you follow all the instructions, you can feel less concerned about the scarring after the surgery.



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