
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


Narrow distance between eyes after nose job

Surgery Editor Nick Posting update : 2022.04.12



Patients undergo rhinoplasty to raise the nasal bridge. And one of the most frequent questions we get asked is about the distance between eyes.



Many people think that the distance between eyes becomes narrow after nose surgery.





First of all, just because one does the rhinoplasty does not mean that the distance between eyes gets narrow.



However, when a very high nasal silicone is inserted, it might cause the look of a very close distance between the eyes.





Therefore, it is quite important that you choose the ideal and most appropriate height of the nasal implant so that it does not create any unnatural look.



Sometimes the phenomenon of close and narrow eye distance might appear because of post-surgery swelling. Since it is temporary, there is no need to worry about that.



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